Archive for februari, 2012

We had a blast at the Rob Acda Awards

zondag, februari 12th, 2012

There was a great audience and we saw lots of dancing. We hope you saw us and had a blast too. But don’t worry if you missed us. There is an excellent recording of the last song of the show ‘Kitty’ available on Youtube:

A lot of thanks to the organization of the Rob Acda Awards for making everything possible and organizing a great event. Unfortunately we did not win the round, but we’re ok with that, the winner (STEENkoud) was simply better. We had a great time and even learned some things in the process. You will hear and see more about this in our future gigs, for example at the brand new rockcafe in Haarlem, the Bone, and at Musicon in Den Haag. We will also be playing at another competition this year: de Grote Prijs van Zuid-Holland!

Keep on rocking!
